Long before the Myspace and “duck face” rose to prominence, teen girls with cameras were already taking photos of themselves and sending them to loved ones.
Long before the Myspace and “duck face” rose to prominence, teen girls with cameras were already taking photos of themselves and sending them to loved ones.
Teenage makes its russian premiere as the opening night film of Moscow’s Beat Film Festival tonight (June 6).
Photographs by Lise Sarfati of a colony for the reeducation of underaged delinquent boys through hard labor in Iksha, Russia, 1995.
Red Corporal Yelizaveta Feodorovna Mironova, 255th Marine Brigade Black Sea Fleet of Novorossiysk, was a teenage sniper.
There were the Soviet Beauty Queens and then there were the Russian Beauty Queens.
The Republic of Chuvash, or Chuvashia, is a Republic in the center of European Russia.
Three members of girl band Pussy Riot have been sentenced to two years in jail for reciting an anti-Putin “Punk Prayer” to the Virgin Mary last February at Moscow’s Christ the Savior Cathedral.
Pussy Riot is an anonymous, all-female punk band and part of a larger movement of young Russians who are unhappy with the current political climate.
My lies:
large, red balloons
that I buy on the street
and release into the heavens.
Back in Soviet Russia the government controlled music, fashion, art in schools and on the streets.