While Germany occupied Poland from 1939-1945, a critical youth movement went underground along with the Polish Home army.
While Germany occupied Poland from 1939-1945, a critical youth movement went underground along with the Polish Home army.
Brooklyn native Nathalia Crane was just nine years old when she published her first poem in The New York Sun (they thought they were publishing an adult).
“[Director] Ray was aware of Dean’s bisexuality and encouraged the actor to use it in certain scenes.
Three members of girl band Pussy Riot have been sentenced to two years in jail for reciting an anti-Putin “Punk Prayer” to the Virgin Mary last February at Moscow’s Christ the Savior Cathedral.
Yankees – Halbstarke (1965)
Lyrics: They race (biduah, biduah) / through the streets / and the alleys / they are deserted / blonde beehives / with bands in the hair / and on the black leather that they wear.
Laura Palmer, found dead in the first five minutes of the Twin Peaks pilot (1989), is one of a countless number of teen girls worshipped post-mortem.
Today we know tanning as a dangerous way to make oneself appear younger and healthier.
Gad Beck, teenage World War II Jewish resistance fighter and gay activist, passed away in Berlin this past Sunday June 24th, just days before his 89th birthday.