Teen Angels magazine: “The voice of the varrio since 1979″.
Made in Los Angeles, Teen Angels was first published in 1981 and featured Chicano gang graffiti, artwork, poetry, fashion, photographs of readers, obituaries and articles on topics like teen pregnancy and relationships. As mentioned by 12oz prophet, the later issues contain material like “babies throwing gang signs, gang bangin’ girls, weapons pictures—as well as some sick low-rider artwork, typographic pages and touching poems from dudes locked down for life.” A 1992 Los Angeles Times article reports that police used Teen Angels magazine as a training guide to learn gangs fashion trends and graffiti tags. It was banned in Ventura Schools.
Although Teen Angels prints anti-violence and anti-drug slogans, authorities have accused the magazine of glorifying street gangs and their violent lifestyle.

(via 12oz prophet, date unknown)

Totally want to rock those chola bands. Tuff Stuff!
Teen Angels magazines from the 1980s
via KID DEUCE, here, here see later issues here