Career Girl Romances was an Australian teen romance comic series produced during the ’60s and ’70s, highlighting the life and times of women who selflessly sacrificed their pursuit of careers in favour of a lifetime of love and happiness.
Posts By: Alexa Meyerowitz
Islington Squatter Punks
“It’s just, you know, you’ve got to prove what you feel.”
Rave Rave Rave!
above: a rave flyer from San Francisco, early 1990s.
Blitz Kids
The Blitz Kids were a band of sexually ambiguous characters that frequented the Blitz nightclub in the early 1980s.
New Age Travelers
New Age Travelers are young people inspired by the traveling traditions of the gypsies and nomads who’ve roamed Europe for centuries; they are idealists looking for an alternative form of living.
Approximately Panther
Approximately Panther was an Australian ABC investigation into youth culture and fashion, produced in 1967.