In 1986, A local Philadelphia daytime show celebrated the release of Corey Hart’s “By Your Side” with a teen slow-dancing showcase.
In 1986, A local Philadelphia daytime show celebrated the release of Corey Hart’s “By Your Side” with a teen slow-dancing showcase.
Choo Chooooo is the sound of freedom to teenage wanderlusters.
In the spring of 1959 Bruce Davidson met a group of teenagers in Brooklyn who called themselves The Jokers.
Friends lounge luxuriously at Plage Lavel in Quebec during the steamy Canadian summer of 1942.
Happy Fourth of July. Enjoy your beaches and barbeques!
Real, live Long Island teenagers hanging out at school yards, bedrooms and Jones Beach.
Idyllic, nostalgic—rural Texan teenagers enjoy the summer of 1973.
Sweetest swimsuits you ever saw! Photographer Harry Mellon Rhoads set up a beachside photo studio to capture bathers in their expressive costumes.
It was the summer of 1997. I was a thick, telephone pole of a 14-year-old in jorts and an oversize Far Side t-shirt, sitting on a clammy folding chair.
These bright, young Masindi Senior Secondary School students wear crisp white short-sleeved collared shirts emblazoned with their fire red school emblem.