Billy the Kid, born William Henry McCarty Jr.
Billy the Kid, born William Henry McCarty Jr.
Kate and Maggie Fox fooled their mother. Then they fooled Hydesville, NY.
“The jury deliberated for about ten minutes, during which time Hiliker was in great agitation.
The Magdalene Laundries were convents for “fallen women” all over Britain, Europe, America, Canada and Australia — the first of which was founded in 1765 in Dublin, Ireland.
Emma Willard School in Troy, NY was founded in 1814 by Emma Willard in an effort to provide girls with the same level of education as boys.
The daguerrotype was the first commercially successful photographic process that immortalized many types at the turn of the century.
From the 1830s-1850s young women in their late teens to early twenties flocked to New England to work in factories.
Years before Jane Eyre was bestselling, 13 year old Charlotte Bronte amused herself making miniature books, complete with stories, poetry and imagined literary criticism.
Left: ‘A young dandy wearing a formal suit and Top hat, circa 1890’ Right: ‘Conroy Campbell, a pupil at Willesden High school, 1973’
I just rediscovered this book; Stuart Hall and Paul Gilroy put it together in 2007.